Vote Frost for Great White Shark Legislation!!!

Day 854, 20:32 Published in South Africa Poland by Battle Kitten

A Dangerous Path

South Africa, I am running for Congress. I am here to talk to you about a very grave issue. Great White Sharks. I hear they are plentiful in South Africa, but as you may know they are dangerous to SEALS. Therefore, I am here to run for Congress and eliminate the shark menace.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't want to kill them. It is clear that the sharks must be appeased so South Africa is safe for SEALS though. Therefore I propose we feed Brazilians and Argentinians to the sharks in order to make both you and SEALS safe. This solves various safety issues for South Africans and SEALS, helps us liberate more territories, and lastly appeases the sharks with a healthy Latin American diet.

When you go to the polls, remember to vote Frost to appease the sharks. Thank you and God bless!!!

Who to Vote For

1)Knickerball (Freedom Alliance) (Votes = 0)
2)Merle Corey (Freedom Alliance) (Votes = 0)
3)Stryke Blayde (Freedom Alliance) (Votes = 0)
4)Krimpiekat (Freedom Alliance) (Votes = 0)
5)Cyber Witch (Freedom Alliance) (Votes = 0)
6)Wincenty1 (Freedom Alliance) (Votes = 0)
7)Oceanus (South African Liberation Front) (Votes = 0)
😎Allenwebster (South African Liberation Front) (Votes = 0)
9)Tronyx (South African Liberation Front) (Votes = 0)
10)Mulderpf (South African Liberation Front) (Votes = 0)