Vindicated: Our National Resolve

Day 749, 09:48 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

The first true test of the reorganized Japanese Imperial Forces has been met with a resounding success. Today we beat back the unprovoked American assault on Kyushu to defend our Great Empire of Japan.

Let us celebrate not only this victory, but the national unity that made it possible. And let us give thanks to the allies who fought with us on the side of righteousness. Japan is thankful for the blood and sacrifice of the hundreds of Hungarian, Russian, Serbian and Indonesian soldiers who fought alongside us to defend Asia, as well as fighters from all across the world. In the defense of the "gateway to Asia," it might be said that the struggle knows no boundaries.

Yet one boundary is of overwhelming importance in this war. In the defense of Kyushu against American aggression, on the southastern frontier of Kyushu's naval Defense System, in the islands of Guam and Okinawa -- we stopped them here. The US Marines did not set foot in Fukuoka. The US Air Force made no lasting imperession on Nagasaki. And at least for another day, Kyushu remains free.

We do not know what the future will bring. But to all who today fought to defend Kyushu's freedom, Japan thanks you. Kyushu thanks you. The brave people of Kyushu and of all Japan are in your debt.

And to those who made war on us, I have this to say:

We will be no one's tools.