Day 826, 18:39 Published in USA USA by Syrup

Hello, I am Syrup. I intend to be the next United States Worker's Party President. There are two other candidates in this election, Tibbets, and Inwegen. I respect both greatly, and personally know tibbets, since he worked as my Assistant in the Office of Militia Support. I have been with the United States Workers Party for some time now, and I think I have what it takes to be the Party President.


Me and the United States Workers Party go back for quite awhile (more than most people know). Back when World War 2 was raging and Emerick was the President of the United States, my old profile (who died from starvation) was in the United States Workers Party. He didn't do much other than vote for Congress elections, and ran once, but it was still the good ol' days back in Florida that I remember best.

Fast forward about a year. I am a new player, and 2 months ago from today a player named Jude Connors takes me under his wing. He was a great guy, and ran a cool talk show online. He was basically my unofficial mentor in the game, and was the Party President this term, and the one before that. However, now he has gone AWOL (due to some irl issues). If Jude comes back and runs, I will withdraw my candidacy out of my respect for him.

Why I Decided to Run

The current candidate favored to win Inwegen is just too strict for my tastes. He seems like a great guy, and I am sure he has the experience to run the party, however I am not entirely certain that we need another 'rulebook' style Party President. Jude Connors was laid back about pretty much everything, and that was probably one of my favorite qualities in him." align="right" hspace="5px">
What I Will Do if Elected

I have more of a quality of quantity view when it comes to Congress. I think that only the open-minded and quality candidates should get in to Congress. I am currently helping Fionia run the Congress elections with the party, so I know I have what it takes in this aspect.

I also believe that 6th parties are drastically underrepresented in Congress. I will gladly take on any 6th party candidate that proves to be a competent individual. Back to quality of quantity, I will never approve of sniping out a Congressman just so that the USWP can 'have another seat in Congress'." align="left" hspace="5px">Qualifications & Positions

-Co-Ran this month's USWP Congress Elections
-Potential USWP Recruitment Director
-Sergeant in the USWP Militia
-Co-Director of Office of Militia Support
-Co-Director of Office of Player Recruitment & Retention
-Ambassador to Ireland
-2 Term Congressman (USWP)
-eUS Mentor
-Former member of the eUSA Military
-US President Elections Staff Member
-Presidential Cabinet Member under PiZ's term
-Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee Member (We make sure of those unsavory types stay out of the eUS)
-Worker in the Welcoming Commitee

In Conclusion

Armed with this information, I hope that you elect me for a stronger United States Worker's Party, and a stronger Congress.


You know you want to.
