Updates and Further information

Day 2,195, 12:40 Published in USA Serbia by Stari Borac

Today i will write about:

1. TWO and eUSA
2. How will the new RW changes affect TWO
3. The TWO lobby in eUSA
4. Me leaving and the future of TWO lobby in eUSA

1. TWO and eUSA

Maybe you haven't noticed, but eUSA is getting closer to TWO as each month passes by.
First, the peace between eUSA and TWO was signed, some deals were made and a month later CoT was disbanded. These are all great diplomatic victories of eUSA, and we hope that they will continue in the same way.

2. How will the new RW changes affect TWO

The new RW changes will without a doubt benefit those who fight to "free" a certan territory. It will also help TWO, we could even say much more.
The few TWO-friendly countries that aren't getting so involved in decisions of the alliance will be forced to change their position. They will either get involved or they will lose their conquered territories. There is a possibility they'll also lose the favor with TWO.
The TWO ties are further fortified, and the coordination between the member states, and the sympathizer states will be a priority. That could make certan members to leave or be forced out of the alliance, which could also cause their disappearence from the eworld map.

The current TWO losses are only temporary. TWO loses ground after every major change in the mekanism of the game, but we will soon get back our regions and neutralise the threat, as always.

3. The TWO lobby in eUSA

The TWO lobby in eUSA isn't a PTO team, no matter what others tell you.

The lobby is founded by eAmericans, most of which are not publicly declared as it's members. It started as a secret, unofficial organisation of eAmericans who want to see eUSA cooperating with TWO, and they needed all the support they can get. That's why certan players from TWO member states with certan connectins decided to help them in their fight against certan political and military organisations which have the only goal to secure their seats at the top of eUSA, no matter the price.

They will try to convince you that by "TWO lobby" i mean RGR and members of his party, but they are doing that because they actualy think that by fighting RGR they are fighting the TWO lobby.
Don't let them fool you, this is much bigger than anything they can even imagine and it has little or nothing to do with current political parties.

The TWO lobby has no party or military unit, they aren't "all in one place". The main reason for that is to disable the anti-TWO lobbyists from spreading propaganda against a group of players, or the players themselves that are against their policy.
You can say that one of the main reasons the TWO lobby is not attacked directly is because it can't be located. Our opponents don't know where or who they are, making their efforts to sabotage or infiltrate our channels futile.

Some will ask why are almost all TWO lobbyists hidden.
If you take a look at the articles that are being written, you'll see what's the poppular propaganda and the reason why are most of our members hidden.
I was not hiding only because i'm from a TWO country and there's no need for me to hide because they can't say i'm a traitor. I mean, they can, but it wouldn't have any sense.
Other TWO lobbyists are mostly americans, who don't want to be marked as "traitors" and "PTOers" just because they don't agree with the official policy of the ruling political parties.

There are players who will not beleave me, but that's just another of our successes.

4. Me leaving and the future of TWO lobby in eUSA

We are getting stronger with each month that passes.
I accepted another mission, and that is why i'll have to leave eUSA for some time. However, my replacement is ready to take my place and the TWO lobby in eUSA won't suffer any losses.

The recruiting and contacts will still go trough my account on chat until i publish an article saying otherwise, and confirm it on our channel. After the article is published we will meet on our usual RED LEVEL channel, where i will confirm or deny it was me who posted the article. DO NOT TRUST ANYONE ELSE, as someone might use this chance to attempt to infiltrate us.

I would like to thank all my associates and helpers for their effort, and we will stay in touch.
It was an honor to be the first voice of our organisation.

Forward to future victories !
Long Live TWO !