United Russia Daily Information [Day 2831]

Day 2,831, 06:58 Published in Russia France by Kim Song Ju

NEW! I am personally looking for someone who would be willing to help me with learning Russian! I understand that some may criticize me for being in Russia, running a party, without knowing the language. That is why I am making an effort to learn it, and I need some help. If you would like to help me, please contact me! Everyone who decides to help me, spasibo!

United Russia Press is currently looking for a translator! Anyone who can and is willing to translate text from English to Russian, please contact me! A possible salary will be discussed.

Also, we are looking for donations of gold and rubles! If you would like to donate, please do so! All donations will go towards the funding of creating a better and more "United Russia"! 😃

Copyright 2015 - United Russia Press
We claim no affliation or support for the real United Russia party.