UK's Allies Liberate Scotland

Day 3,349, 23:34 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Canada did not win the day, Canada and its allies won the day. We have liberated Scotland from a long occupation and hopefully other UK regions will soon follow.

The UK was instrumental in aiding France in its liberation and it is only fitting that the rest of us in Orion try to return the favour.

On several occasions in this campaign I felt we were done and it was time to pull the plug. I stayed up to 2 AM fighting and CO’ing only to end up trailing.

TemujinBC woke up a few hours later and CO’d the first Air round. We were still trailing a bit at this point but we had spent way more than we intended and Pacifica only gets stronger during our day time.

I pretty much thought we were done but then I recieved a significant gift from Colin Lantrip.

At first I did not think it was more than a small donation until I realized I was misreading the number of zero’s behind it. So we were back in it.

The next round cost about 150K and we lost it so I was once again prepared to pull the plug and return what was left of Colin’s money but he told me carry on. Good thing.

The next round Romania’s dictator/CP DdyOlteanu started tanking and shouting for us and this really lifted my spirits and hope. This was the beginning of the momentum change.

The next air round I was so busy at work I missed it but was amazed to find Bulgarian and France MU’s had CO’d the round for us to the win.

From that point the campaign had turned and we did have the momentum.

Now I myself did 2.4 billion in damage and I only finished 4th in campaign damage and I know how many EB’s and tanks and bombs I burned through so I cannot begin to express my gratitude and respect for those allies with me on that leaderboard.

I also thank every single person that dropped their damage in our cause no matter how small or large.

Here are some interesting stats.

Dear allies, I sincerely thank you. All of Canada thanks you, and I’m sure all of the UK thanks you.

Yours respectfully

Exalted Druid
CP of Canada