TUP you say? WTF is that?

Day 2,862, 12:48 Published in United Kingdom Slovenia by MS10EL
MS10EL arrives on stage, late, hurriedly blundering onto the ongoing rap battle occurring throughout the eUK's media, before realizing that he cannot rap, and deciding to devote his rant to a different topic:


* unearths banner image from the archives *

Yeah we do!

Someone asked me to do an article to promote TUP....a while ago now actually. But it's here now, and that's all that counts, probably.

TUP, I hear you cry? WTF is that?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are:

1. THE No 1 MOST POPULAR PARTY IN THE eUK! (by number of members, obviously)

2. Active??? Ok, maybe not.

But 2. is where you can come in! Join TUP today and become the newest, freshest face of TUP (I need someone to take that role from me), and make articles much better than this one, to promote our epicness!

TUP Member

MS10EL tries to write a cool article, but should probably focus on learning the game first.