Trinc for president

Day 805, 05:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Trinc

Sunday I was asked by my party, the Green Liberal Democrats, to run for president. I was very proud of this that they wanted me to run again after being third at the last elections.
After that, the party presidents of the Liberal Social Democrats and the Belgian Party said that they wanted to support me as well.
I want to thank these parties that they have showed confidence in my presidency. If I get elected I will not take away your trust in me.

First let me introduce myself. I am playing this game since October 6th, 2008.
I first started at the party called "Links Nederland", which turned into LSD after the merge. After I stopped playing this game for a while I re-joined and joined the Green Liberal Democrats party. I was in congress seven times. I was party president two times. I am an ex SoS at the Ministry of both Home and Foreign Affairs. I was Minister of Home Affairs twice. And I was two times
Minister of Foreign Affairs and right now my third term is going on.

Why would you vote Trinc?

I have made a presentation, but you can also just read it here below.


The five reasons why to vote Trinc

1. Transparency
2. Belgium
3. Army & State companies
4. Foreign Relations
5. Babies

1. Transparency

Trinc has always been a supporter of openness from the government. It was Trinc who first informed the eUNL citizens about the possible merger with the eUK. If Trinc was in charge back then, we would never supported the entrance of the eUNL to PHOENIX without the congress approval. Trinc is a supporter of the democracy, not of oligarchy. He wants the people of the eUNL to decide what is best for their country, not some individuals. This is why Trinc wants to set up questionrounds for the citizens every week, so that they can ask the government, not only the president, about what is going on in their country.

2. Belgium

Trinc is without a doubt a so called "Unionist", he wants our Union, the United Netherlands to continue because of the huge advantages of the Union. But right now, with EDEN aggressors near bay,it is to dangerous to re-unite with the Belgian regions of the Union. The Union will remain, all the people of the eUNL are welcome to stay here, or go to Belgium to fight against PTO'ers.
Trinc will remain good contacts with the "Belgian" administration. He has a lot of contacts which will be useful. Belgium was a part of the Union, is a part of the Union and in the future it will still be a part of the Union.

3. Army & state companies

As you might know the battles for North Rhine-Westphalia and Wallonia could could have been won if we had better organization of the army and better weapon supply. The orders were vague and the supplying didn't go that well. In mayor battles like that we need that to be improved.

State companies
Trinc see the use of state companies but he also encourages people to set up their own company. This is why need to stimulate entrepreneurs to organize collective organizations where people will fund the company by them selves but where the state gives advice.

4. Foreign Relations

As you might know Trinc has been Minister of Foreign Affairs three times and he knows the importance of that ministry. That is why he wants to restart the talks of the European Alliance, in these times where we need our neighbours the most.
PHOENIX has been a good alliance for the eUNL and Trinc see no use of leaving that alliance, although he does believe in better communication between the alliance and the members.
Trinc also wants to create better relations with the less aggressive members of EDEN, to be sure they will not support any actions taken against the eUNL.

5. Babies

Trinc believes that all the problems which the eUNL has can be solved through a babyboom. This is why we need to find ideas and how to manage this but, and that is maybe more important, why our older babyboom projects failed.
Right now our ambassadors are already asking to other countries how they managed their babybooms and Trinc is really in favor of this. A babyboom needs good preparation. Because when you get 1000 new citizens in one day our economics can crash. This is something which we need to take care of and something Trinc wants to put many efforts in.

These were the five reasons why to vote for Trinc.


Again, I would like to thanks the parties the GLD, the LSD and the BP that they will support me at the upcoming elections. I think that this shows that I am a perfect guy for the presidential seat who will have the support of the opposition and the coalition.

