Today's Sunrise

Day 625, 05:07 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

As I look out today at the sunrise, I am filled only with hope for my nation and people.

I have heard the whispers of mistrust, of suspicion of refugees and immigrants, the doubting of our new President, the uncertainties and insecurities and frustrations... Yet all of these, without exception, seem unimportant before the rising sun.

We need not doubt that this is our country, eJapan. We need not doubt that the people have chosen one of two loyal and patriotic eJapanese citizens as our leader. We need not doubt that our democracy is strong and healthy and flourishes even brighter in today's sunrise than in the dawns of months past. We need not doubt that ,now more than ever, eJapan is seen as a haven in a New World that too often descends into injustice or oppression, a shining city on a hill by the Eastern sea.

We need not doubt our country and people, new citizens or old. We need not doubt our confidence in our leadership. We need not doubt our future.

Next to all these certainties, the doubts and frustrations of the disappointed fade like the dew, carried back into the ocean by the sea breeze.