Today's giveaways Day - 1839

Day 1,839, 10:51 Published in United Kingdom Bulgaria by Angel With Attitude

Military Orders
Days 1839 - 1840
Priority 1: (Chile v Argentina) - Zona Central -
Again, we find ourselves waiting on wars. The Greek 'campaign' has the addition of Poland, meaning Greece now faces 4 invaders: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Poland. The latter two will not be resisted; EDEN have a tradition of simply allowing both nations to conquer without resistance, then trying to Resistance War (RW) from those nations later. Of the other two, whilst Macedonia seems weakest (no Polish MPP), for some reason EDEN are trying to stop Bulgaria the most. Greece have also tried to 'close the door' on the invasion, by RW'ing (starting a resistance war and fighting for the resistance) in some of their Egyptian territory. Thus, to 'wipe' greece (take all their regions), our allies must pick 1 or 2 nations to NE Egypt, and then face an onslaught from Greece (you can only change your NE once every 7 days or when your enemy has no more regions - thus Greece will be able to set our allies as NE before our allies can set them as NE, which gives Greece the ability to be on the offensive). In short, it will be harder for us to defeat Greece - but the ball is still in our favour. (Sorry for tl;dr!)
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Giveaways - Day 1839

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