To The AFA, My Regards...

Day 1,833, 17:04 Published in USA USA by Cassius Auspicus
It is well known by all citizens that the AFA is in fact a terrorist organization, and as such not open for proper debate. Ajay's answers get more and more convoluted and less and less truthful every day that passes by in this game, and it is because of this that I no longer see a reason for any reasonable true eAmerican to try and debate these pitiful PTOers.


The next time one of you patriotic Americans reads an article, post, or comment by one of these multinational terrorists just tell them simply "AFA can SMD".

The time for reasonable negotiation with terrorists is no longer, as a matter of fact there never was a time for negotiation and this is why the intellectually superior thing to do is to say "AFA can SMD", or "Ajay can SMD", or even "RGR can SMD". All are equally effective and equally entertaining.

Oh, one more thing.....

I guess they don't just S D's, but they also openly support our enemies, good job AFA! Keep up the great work!