Time to move on, CoT

Day 2,160, 09:59 Published in Croatia Croatia by Arrlo

This article will be quite unpopular among some of the communities and the people I consider to be friends, but now isn’t the time for respectful silence. I also must point out that this isn’t an official statement by the Croatian government; this is nothing more than my opinion, and feel free to disregard it as such.

CoT should dissolve.

Circle of Trust was founded as a third alliance, by countries which no longer saw their place in ONE (by and large replaced now by TWO) or EDEN. In this period it saw successes against EDEN, backed by the power of TWO, and this was the era of CoTWO strength. Like most of the rest of the older players in the game, I thought CoT was nothing more than a vanity project by some leaders in Bulgaria. I thought it was an attempt by the Bulgarians to save some face by not directly joining the camp against which it had fought for the previous period in the game, and that before too long the mini alliance would simply be neatly folded into the ONE/TWO alliance, and that would be that.

CoT proved me wrong, and a combination of the rise of Chile and the absorption of more medium to strong countries resulted in an alliance which could demand to be taken more seriously. As we see now, however, this is when CoT made a fatal mistake. In allowing itself to be the front line in the war against EDEN, CoT became the primary anti-EDEN force. Bitter disputes inherited from the fallout of Bulgaria’s leaving EDEN meant that the entire alliance existed to fight EDEN, while TWO was able to play a supporting role, and therefore the level of antipathy between TWO and EDEN began to fade, replaced by fierce enmity between the latter and CoT.

This was not the only error that CoT made. Once TWO began to show its hand and the MPP was signed between Romania and Serbia, instead of making itself less objectionable to what remained of EDEN, CoT didn’t move an inch. While TWO had engaged in some sabre rattling towards CoT, and making not so subtle hints as to its intentions to sign MPPs with ex EDEN, CoT remained silent. There was no diplomatic approach to ex EDEN for some time, and indeed any mention in the media of the remaining neutral countries joining or working with CoT was met with derisive contempt by high level CoT diplomats. Furthermore when the diplomacy towards Croatia began, as absurd as it seems now, the USA faced heavy criticism for signing the MPP with Croatia.

This failure to adapt to the evolution of the game’s diplomatic playing field, this stubborn inflexibility in the face of TWO’s rapid and ruthless expansion has, at least in part, led us to where we are today. Is this purely CoT’s fault? No, certainly not. We are all responsible for the state of the game today, and CoT countries aren’t any worse (nor any better) than any other.

However, it’s time to take a realistic look at the game now. CoT now loses on every front. In truth the only real way the pro TWO bloc can ever be defeated now is by shedding several member states, and in my opinion this process is completely hindered by the insistence on keeping CoT going. As an illustration, try to imagine Serbia joining CoT. Or Hungary. Or Poland. Or Spain. Or Romania. Or Croatia.

As I said recently, CoT is now in danger of becoming the same drag on the game that EDEN ended up as, without the same options that most EDEN countries had at the end of its lifespan. The alliance was held together not by the unshakeable friendship of all the countries’ communities, but by the memory of epic victories and the sense of duty and friendship among older players. Since CoT’s greatest military efforts were also TWO’s victories, the former is not applicable in this case, leaving only a grudging sense of duty among CoT populations, and the lack of escape routes for CoT countries as its raisons d’être.

I understand that saying goodbye to an alliance you once loved and believed in is not easy, but now I feel that the curtain falling on CoT creates more opportunities for all countries outside the TWO bloc, as well as for some within it.

What now? I suggest the people and the leaders of CoT nations at least think about this option. It's obvious that most countries are losing interest in CoT, and a quick look at the alliance HQ shows terrible participation from even the major countries, the USA excepted. A formal surrender and dissolution means pro TWO countries can begin to consider their options more seriously too. We know that there are dormant links between the CoT and neutral countries, and nations within the TWO bloc. CoT keeps these ties buried, and the main motivation for most pro TWO countries staying together is most likely the hint that CoT can revive its fortunes, even though deep down we all understand that this simply won't happen. CoT countries won't abandon each other with the formal end of the alliance, and I think that the lack of a unified target will do nothing but expose the papered over fractures within the TWO bloc.

I know people will think I'm a typical CoT hater, but this is not the case, and I'm not some all knowing pundit either: this is nothing but my opinion. CoT, thanks for the fun you've provided for all of us, and well done for putting up a good fight considering the disadvantages you found yourselves at. Now it's time to begin a new chapter in eRepublik history, with the prospects of a more level playing field and more fun for players from ALL countries.

Thanks for reading, and best wishes to all of you for a more fulfilling gaming experience.