Time for My Next Step

Day 1,925, 20:21 Published in Canada Canada by Umbra Bellator

Over the last few months I have been stepping back and trying a new approach to my eLife. I was a CAF soldier and CPF member and was involved in both. In the CAF I was a 3 term Captain and an XO for the 1st Platoon. In the CPF I was a quiet voice, but started speaking out and learning from people. I was given the opportunity to run for Congress and was elected under the new system. During my term in Congress my eyes were opened.

Didn't say they were in the right place 😉

I saw many things in Congress that I previously knew nothing about and it really got me thinking on how I was living out my eLife. I thought back to the benefits of getting more involved. Once I joined the CAF forums, I immediately got to know a handful of great eCanadians and soldiers. I really started to learn things from them, and it got me more active on the MU feed as well. This led to further communications with other experienced players with tonnes of knowledge. It was at this point I decided to get more active in the CPF, so I started using the Feed more and striking up conversations with members and writing articles about my journey. This led to me being in Congress and opening my eyes.

Once my congress term was over I had realized that the only way for me to grow as an eCanadian was to go out and experience more.

Still many twists and turns ahead

So I decided to join the MDP, I chose this Party because of how they were represented in congress. They had very strong voices, and held prominent positions and those in Congress really seemed to listen to them. I saw this as an opportunity to learn more from them and see the inner workings of a party that runs a different way.

During my time in the MDP I feel I did learn a fair bit, I got a much better grasp on the military side of things as most members are very military focused and carry strong voices when talking politics and warfare. I was lucky enough to be on a PM with Rylde and a select few on the goings on of a CP. The Party feed had a much different feel, it seemed a bit more active, although it wasn’t as much chit chat, more focused discussions.

When I left the CPF I also left the CAF and joined Liberty CA. I chose to join Liberty because it was a brand new MU and I saw an opportunity to take the knowledge I had acquired and try and help PatHarper build a strong successful MU. With Liberty now at its 3rd regiment and a top 5 MU it has been very successful and it is still getting better. Being a 2nd Commander is a great feeling, you get a chance to really help newer players and mentor them and motivate them to be more active and stronger soldiers and citizens.

It was time to grab the bull by its horns

During my time with both Liberty and MDP I met a few citizens that really had an impact on how I play the game and decisions that I make. Recently they told me they were creating a new party based on the social dynamics of eRep and a really open community that makes the decisions, I immediately saw this as a great opportunity to further get to know these guys and meet more people and continue my growth as an eCanadian.

So the Union of Social Reform Party seems like the most logical step for me. It provides a similar growth opportunity that LibertyCA has provided, and there is great opportunity for me to grow even further.

If you find yourself at a point where you seem to be in a rut, try mixing it up. There are lots of great players in all parties and all MU’s, and you can learn something from each of them. It also keeps the game fresh while we suffer through an absent economy and long term occupation.

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Shout Out to all the Great MU's and Parties I have been in. They all have great people, it's really about trying them out and seeing what you can learn from them.