Thoughts about the new achievment

Day 2,185, 10:42 Published in Austria Bulgaria by Vlado33

Thoughts about the new achievment

After the admins announced what the new achievment is going to be, I noticed a massive discontet among the citizens of ex CoT countries and among those which countries are occupied for a long time now and can't liberate themselves.

"The rich will get richer, the poor - poorer." That is the most spread opinion about the new achievment. And here it comes - are the administrators too stupid or that's actually a smart move? I am going to share with you my viewpoint.

Yes, the first normal thing for the players from the soonly defeated alliance is to be dissapointed because Plato is not making it any easier for them. That's true but not really. I see it in another perspective - That's how it's going to start but I think this will set the ball rolling for a new strong alliance or even 2, equally powered to TWO, as soon as possible. We have already seen indications for instability on the winner's side, but what's going to happen... we will understand really soon because every day without a new alliance on the horizon, will make it harder and harder for ex CoT members.


Administrators have given the power to the diplomats. Diplomacy. Is it a fair chance for CoT?
Lets have a discussion down in the comments 🙂

Yours Truly,