The Same Old Trip

Day 2,521, 12:57 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

My friends and readers,

Erepublik sucks. There are shimmering moments of gloriousness that produce quick tidbits of frantic clicking, but once the web page has discontinued the pleasure you are left with something else to find to occupy your ego. I mean, a guy can’t fap all day, right?

You know what I miss about this browser game? Country President candidature articles. I’m not talking about anything recent either. I’m talking about when Jewitt, Josh Frost, Harrison Richardson, Emerick and Chocolate McSkittles wrote articles that kept the masses reading, clicking and becoming more involved with the game. It was difficult to cherry pick a great article from the top 5 because other great writers like Max McFarland, Gulden Draak, St. Krems or Fingerguns amassed a media that just didn’t know how to quit! (I am leaving names out who deserve recognition as well, but I have too many favorites to be honest)

This man, Chocolate McSkittles, provided me with an exorbitant amount of entertainment. How? Not everything was as incredibly structured as it was because it didn’t need to be. The game thrived on fighting PTOs, as well as defending our lands and friends from PEACE. But the main ingredient that kept this game alive was Media. You thought we were thirsty for more fighting? The writing some of these players were able to deliver satisfied all my needs in this game. It still captures me today when there is a sporadic, glorious or calculated mess of word vomit that titillates my senses...and this isn’t just some gif’d out meme I’m talking about.

I am not a tank. My strength is poor. But I’ll train because there is not much else to do outside the media realm. This leaves me with trying to steer myself in a rudderless ship of a browser game into more predictable upsets and Fantasmic discouragements. Plato has struggled most of this past year in making many of us happy. The military module is working diligently to keep this sinking ship afloat; we gather resources and farmville it up. This has become the status quo. The economic, political and media module is garbage. We know this. Plato needs to get his crap together and hire more creative minds that will come up with missions that aren’t a splash of pleas for comments to win 25 cc. Recently, when I tried to create some activity by hosting a game where I awarded a War Stash to the winners, I was disappointed with the turnout. But there were a select few that played...this includes the people who did not win anything, but played because there was something to do.

eRepublik is a numbers game. To be stronger, you need people. This applies economically, militarily, or...believe it or not...socially. Numbers are what make this country strong, and people are what make it fun. This concept wraps around itself and becomes self perpetuating. People create a strong nation, and generally have fun both in attacking nations and socializing with eachother...Fun attracts more people, making us stronger...You get the point. - Chocolate McSkittles

Also recently, although desperate, I planned to run a Serbian for eUSA Congress; and nick.bergman stirred the Legislative pot because the boards were dead. The biggest thing we had to talk about was a poor attendance sign in by Congress members. REALLY? That’s what gets our rocks off these days? Sad.

But it worked. The bees were buzzing the restless bonnets, and people began talking. Such discussions about raising activity levels began again, but its like beating a dead horse. Cliche’ as it sounds, its nothing better than poking a stick at an inactive populace. Now its just f***ing insulting to our intelligence, right?

Where is the value? It is not waiting around for a baby boom or throwing jabs at the people who keep this game alive. It is not a brand new vision either. Choc was not a Fed, but then he was a Fed; Fingerguns made this possible. The best part of him was his vision for the Interior department.

I believe that having a strong media is a key aspect of retention. Many players choose to not leave the game and visit the forums or IRC (as did I when originally playing the game). The eRepublik community that they see can be found solely within the media module. At the moment, our media is pretty dead besides big events occurring such as major battles. I have written multiple times in the past in an attempt to both encourage and to help people engage in the media module, and even had some fun exploring a different type of writing to spark things, but more needs to be done. Ideas such as reviving the Flufferton Foundation and the White House Press Corps are definitely in the works

See? I’m not saying anything new. Its regurgitated information that will play endlessly even after I leave this game. But it is a broken record, my friends. And disappointingly, it is not any player’s fault. It is Plato’s. When Pfeiffer called the attention of ’multiple admins’ to pay attention to his concern about health regeneration I was shocked to see the weekly challenges immediately change to incorporate better weekly challenge reward.

What the efff, Plato? I’m sure its super easy to click a button to change the weekly rewards, but Diofuckingchrist people are starting to not buy your gold or stashes!!! I have stopped because my citizen is weak as s***! I can’t make a difference in battle. And neither can the newer players! Start a new tournament or come up with some new incentives. Fix your s***, Plato!!!

With that being said, I think our greatest opportunity is opening the eUSA immigration doors and creating a fun department with its own devices to instigate activity with new players and old. Will this work? I beta tested it already and it seemed to show some interest. Also, while its still popular, I think we should have a national department try and recruit tanks to come get eUSA cs to benefit from our bonuses and hopefully get involved with our government.

And ffs get the words ‘PTO threat’ out of your pessimistic mind and try and look at the opportunity. I have seen it work, on a small scale of course, but SHIELD’s growth of fighters these past few months have flourished and made things incredibly fun, especially when we get more and more D4 fighters. My friends are clamoring for another Joint strike and I want to be able to give this to them soon.

What do you think?