The Problem of the Game

Day 3,107, 08:12 Published in Portugal Portugal by Sucateir0


I won’t start this article by saying the Problem of this game is to retain new players. I know this is a great issue but before I was CP of Portugal (April) I had 1 month without packs and that guys, is a real problem.

So… we have a lot of packs in game, Power pack (10e) Blitzkrieg pack (15e) assault pack (10e) Combat stash (10e) War stash (10e) Tycoon pack (10e) AND if you are D1/D2/D3, Infantry kit (15e). I won’t talk about Starter pack too.
IN D4 division we can see we have 5 different packs to be bought, to fight (power, blitz, assault, combat, war), this amount of packs are 55 euros, this per month.

“Oh, yeah but this is a free game and you don’t need to buy packs to play” I know, its true. But let me tell you my experience of 1 month without packs:
You know that felling when you want to truly help someone but you simply can’t because you don’t have enough strength? I felt that all days because I didn’t had energy or a good energy amount. I felt powerless all the time. I think I have a nice account; I usually buy all packs and sell some too, to have some cc and stuff. But the GAP between pack buyers and simple players is tremendous. That month was like “yeah, I have full ff to fight, where do you need me? Oh, wait, I just have 180 ff totals, I can make like 42M with 50% booster ON”

With 55e “invested” like they say, I can win about 1 or 2 BH medals per day, because I have enough energy to equal 3 players without packs easily. With packs I can win something, I can win medals. I’m not saying you to stop giving packs but come on, I felt I was about to giving up the game, because there was nothing to do without packs, really nothing!

I just don’t know what to say, packs are cool? Yeah. But don’t make them forced to be bought to make this huge difference.

I can’t feel what a new player feels when they enter in this game, I suppose they think they entered too late in this game and they leave right away, I would do it too if I wasn’t holder… for god's sake, stopping D1 from gaining XP? Buy one Infantry Kit pack and you’ll be D1 forever, that’s what you say. What do the new players think when they see a guy with 100.000 more strength in their division, fighting like them, no gaining XP and with 1 hit making 10x more damage than a new player with full energy?

You can still make something good about packs and new players, you could put IK packs and the other packs from time to time to players buy them, not a monthly payment... It’s abusing how players stay in lower divisions to earn profit and never leave that division. A D1 player with IK pack only win XP buy training and working, its like 10 XP per day, 300 XP per month, isn’t this stupid?

I let you guys with this article, once again, trying to open admin’s and Plato’s mind..

Have a nice day,