The Presedential updates of term

Day 2,554, 09:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


Good evening all eUKers how was your day today,my passed fine 😉.So without further delaying here is the updates from the last as well for upcoming events:

The Country Presedent of eUK started talks with eCanadain Gouverment,but before even proper start the eCanada"s Gouverment refused to come on the meeting with the Presedent and the Gouverment of eUK,so as already said before officially talks begun eCanadian Gouverment and the Minister of Finance/Gouvernor of eCanadian National Bank refused to talk about recent eCanadian Congress decreased all taxes,VAT tax on weaps,food with only intention to harm the economy of eUK and the regions which eUK won from eCanada to reduce productivity bonusses etc.

The Office of the Country Presedent are dissapointed with eCanada"s act of dissrespect of eUK and the Gouverment of eUK.Also the Office of Presedent of eUK will take all neccessary steps for stoping this act and will protect entire eUK with all means that are on disposal of eUK Gouverment.

Other updates of the recent events:

eUK won several previous battles in Ontario,Northern Teritories,Manitoba,Alberta,Sasketchwan etc.The remaining battles will be in the upcomeing days and can"t be told anything than this in this update article.

The Proposal of laws:
In the upcomeing days it will be renewed MPP with ePoland the main allie of eUK in the Sirius Alliance which will be expired in the couple of days.
The Proposal of law of increasing tax on sand,houses etc are still on voteing in the Congress.
The Proposal of law of Mutual Protection Pact with Turkey passed
The Proposal of law of Mutual Protection Pact with Chile passed
The Proposal of law of increasing minimum wage rejected

Regarding the international Affairs with eUK allies will be held the meeting with the Sirius Alliance today on various issues which troubles the Alliance.

That"s all for tonight.Stay tuned.

The Office of the Country Presedent
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic