The Pitfalls of the far left and the need for balance.

Day 504, 10:27 Published in Thailand United Kingdom by GLaDOS

Hello People of Thailand.

I would like to talk today about our politics, and the need for balance in Thailand. Thailand currently has three center of far left parties at the moment. One of these is the newly changed Thai Social Democrats party, once the TNT. As far as i know, these changes were made by the leader of the party without any prior vote. I personally am a centrist, and believe that a smart mix of social programs and economics is the key to a nations success. I not a far right maniac as most of the communists assume. I joined the Thai Nation Together Party because i assumed it had centrist politics reflected my own, as well as most people in the party's viewpoints.

For this Reason, today I Announce my Candidacy for president of the Thai Social democrats party, once known as the TNT. I run on a campaign of changing it back to a centrist party, possibly under a new name, but maybe going back to the TNT. My main goal is to bring back the political stance of the TNT, a center party, with libertarian leanings.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, a more detailed campaign manifesto will be released by myself in the coming days.