The Path

Day 963, 04:44 Published in Ireland USA by Cpl Useless

There are no beaten paths to Glory's height,
There are no rules to compass greatness known;
Each for himself must cleave a path alone,
And press his own way forward in the fight.
Smooth is the way to ease and calm delight,
And soft the road Sloth chooseth for her own;
But he who craves the flower of life full-blown,

Must struggle up in all his armor dight!
What though the burden bear him sorely down
And crush to dust the mountain of his pride,
Oh, then, with strong heart let him still abide;
For rugged is the roadway to renown,
Nor may he hope to gain the envied crown
Till he hath thrust the looming rocks aside.

-Paul Laurence Dunbar

There are many paths in this new, New World. To be successful it will take strength in effort individually and working together in camaraderie. This is even more apparent in a small nation like Ireland. We have had success the past month by banding together, we have pushed farther than was expected of us by individually giving everything we could towards our cause.

I would like to thank all that have stood alongside myself, as you have made the eRepublik experience enjoyable. Here is to the paths that lay ahead and the boulders that must be pushed aside!


Cpl Useless