The libertarian communist party is back.

Day 2,398, 10:16 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

Fellow erepublicans, i am proud to call all communist, anarchist and far left minded people back home.

We are witnesing the live long struggle between Left and Right. Between Authoritarian and Libertarian. Ultimately all adding up to the status quo, nothing wil change if we stay divided, nothing wil change if we give in to capitalism and neo liberal scum.

Yet, while many look to forward, I look behind. While many look to what could be gained, I look to what has been lost. While many eagerly hope and pray for power, I come before you to present a united group of people the 99%.

You see, we often talk about Human Rights. But, I believe we should talk, rather, about the Rights of Humanity.

Join the Libertarian communist party....