The gods of the New World (Pt 1/3)

Day 994, 10:49 Published in Greece Greece by Dodona

* To akyro arthro tis imeras *
* Note to readers: You should not be scandalized by this article. My intention is not to be blasphemous not commit hybris. The Old World God is written with capital G. The New World (aka eRep) gods are in lowercase g (I hope they will not be insulted by this and strike me with FPs) *

You gotta love eRep politics and in general citizens' behavior and conception of things. When you are an outsider or neutral observer, that is. If, on the other hand, you are one of the said citizens, then politics may even turn your stomach... upside down. There are lots of heated discussions in the political arena. Right-wingers fighting with left-wingers, leftists fighting against other leftists because the latter are not left-enough, center-wingers fighting with -you name it- and so on. People are often judged based on their orientation and not on whether they are right or wrong. And so are their opinions.
If you are in the States, for example, and propose and increase in taxes, some will discredit you as liberal or communist. Here in Greece, if I publish an article tomorrow calling for a conquest war against Turkey, some will call me right-winger or nationalist.

Wanna hear a secret? In the New World, right-wing, left-wing, liberal and so on has little actual meaning/value 8-9 times out of 10. It's just a toy that the gods of eRep have given us to play with. Oh the gods of eRep... When Alexis was travelling around the Old World (aka RL), he was asking people whether they consider liberals to be right or left wing. The answers varied, so he thought 'heh.. here's something that will keep my people preoccupied, political labels'.

And so it happened. eRep gods gave us a political module, gave us elections every 10 days and -seemingly- the right to decide on the form of government for our country. We can have a far-right, authoritarian President (dictatorship) or a far-left, totalitarian regime (communism). Or can we? Not really, since 10-20 days later we will have elections again. So in eRep we have democracy. It is eREPUBLIC after all. To an extend this is true, we have as much democracy as the gods allow us to. Hmm I sense an oxymoron here... Yep... eRep is a theocracy!

There are several gods in eRep (some are nice, some are not) and they rule us all. Alexis is one of them, actually the main one, and then there's Geonaru and Siluvaca. They reside in Erepublikland, a place where no human has ever been to. There are also several semi-gods, often living among us, with some of them being good-hearted and some corrupt.
We are just mortals, pawns in their hands.