The Eye of Tomorrow; from a little paper to a national political newspaper!

Day 2,458, 14:39 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

As you've already noticed this is not a normal article from The Eye of Tomorrow, and that is right. I've been reading my first few articles lately, and thought of an idea. This idea would compare the 'planned articles programs' with each other from the newspaper in it's early days and the newspaper now, my experiences and of course your opinion about the current state of the newspaper!

And so here, the idea becomes reality. I hope this article will bring some good things with it!

This part of the article, will discuss the article program of the Newspaper in it's early days, after every paragraph I'll give some information about what happened to those ideas in Italic writing style.

Uncertain Date

We will publish an article when something major has happened (like an airstrike)

This is still in use, although it doesn't happen very often.

Every End of the Month

Every Month we will publish an article existing of 3 columns, the columns are written by: 2 people that aren't member of the Government and one person that is member of the government. The columnists will write their own visions about the actions of the previous government.

And this one, is the first thing that was skipped out of the original list, why do you ask? Well, that was because we couldn't find enough columnists for the job.

Every Upcoming Election

Congress Elections: We will publish 2 columns; one is written by a top 5 party member and the other is written by a non-top 5 party member.

Presidential Elections: We will interview the candidates for the Presidential Elections.

And these two ones are still in use, although the first one is sometimes a little bit changed into only one person, but that's just the low rate of people who want to write.

Every Ending Election

Presidential Elections; We will have an interview with the (new) Country President about the results of the Elections.

Congress Elections; We will interview all the Party Presidents about the results.

And the first one about the Presidential Elections is still in use, the Congress Elections however, not because that was simply too much work to do in such a short time, reminding everyone etc.

And now time for my experiences! I firstly want to say that this was a great experience for me! I've learnt a lot through interviewing people, and of course I loved the support I got from the comments I read in my newspaper, I truly loved that.

Now to go into more detail with those comments, in my first article, I liked to see people wishing me good luck, that was a great source of support for me, later on I truly loved to see that people kept reading my articles, something where you are always scared of in the first few weeks, will they keep on reading? Or will they stop, and move on? So to see that you kept reading, was great to see as owner!

Nowadays, I still see a lot of comments from true readers, and via this article, I want to say thank you to those who have always been reading my articles, and also a big thanks already to those who will in the future.

Now those were my experiences, but what do you guys think of The Eye of Tomorrow? How were the first articles for you, and the type of articles, did that surprise you at first? And how do you think the newspaper is now? Please comment about this all, over here below me!

And again, thank you!

Your Press Director,