Tengo GOLDS! Qué hago ahora? [PAR]

Day 731, 11:03 Published in Paraguay Argentina by Milo666
http://i27.tinypic.com/10zcmjt.jpg" width="55" height="55" hspace="5" vspace="3" align="left" alt="Cuidado">Cuidado!
Desde el dia 848 el hospital solo cura la vitalidad perdida en batallas!
Click aca para recibir ayuda

http://i49.tinypic.com/106nera.png" width="55" height="55" hspace="5" vspace="3" align="left" alt="Mensaje"> Enviar un mensaje al Ministerio de Defensa.
Agreganos como amigo. Suscribite al periodico!
En que te ayuda el Ministerio de Defensa?

http://i40.tinypic.com/25qznnd.png" width="55" height="55" hspace="5" vspace="3" align="left" alt="CambioHora">
El cambio de dia de eRep se produce a las 04.00 horario argentino.

http://i45.tinypic.com/2qnt91s.jpg" width="55" height="55" hspace="5" vspace="3" align="left" alt="Fondo de Nuevos">Ayuda al novato!
Pan Q5 para los nuevos con vitalidad menor a 90. (nivel entre 1-9)
Armas gratis para los nuevos! (nivel entre 1-15)

http://i50.tinypic.com/4kk9s6.png" width="55" height="55" hspace="5" vspace="3" align="left" alt="Chat">Canal de chat eArgentino!
Encontra la respuesta a tus preguntas.
Todos son bienvenidos a ayudar y ser ayudados!


http://i30.tinypic.com/aer59x.jpg">Indice de ayuda.

1. Inicio como eCiudadano (los primeros dias).
2. Las primeras batallas (IMPORTANTE LEER).http://i41.tinypic.com/155731v.png">
3. Fase militar / Entrenamiento.
4. Canales de comunicacion argentinos.
5. Articulos interesantes. http://i44.tinypic.com/befpfl.jpg">
6. Subscripciones necesarias.
7. Concursos. http://i44.tinypic.com/befpfl.jpg">
8. Ordenes del ejercito.
9. En que te ayuda el Ministerio de Defensa.

http://i30.tinypic.com/aer59x.jpg">Como cuidar la vitalidad de tu eCiudadano.

Desde el dia 848 el hospital solo cura la vitalidad perdida en batallas!
Thus, five-star hospital still recover a maximum of 50 health, but only in If one day was put on 5 hits. Thus, the hospital does not restore health, spent at work and during training. Fill these glasses to help you health bread and gifts (Gift).

After treatment in the hospital do not do more punches! Keep your health above 90 by the end of the day.

If your health is below 90:
- Treated for gifts (Gift) (maximum of 10 points of health per day), use your organization, ask friends or Support_Service pogiftovat you. Not being treated at the end of the day Gift! Case that the lower your health at the end of the day, the more will be added on the next day because what you will eat bread, so it is best treated Gift early in the day;
- Buy high-quality bread (sometimes useful to consider that profitable: bread or Gift, just not always the same);
- To get a job with fewer stars;
- Buy a house (keep in mind that the house does not work without bread);
- Flow exercise for some time. (Especially lovers of train for gol😛 better spend the money on the Gift, bread or even a house).
http://i49.tinypic.com/4l6ond.jpg" width="19" height="19" alt="up" title="Up">

Inicio como eCiudadano (los primeros dias).

Do not forget: the majority of simple questions on the game have the answers manual and wiki