Success on health agenda: Government commits to hospital plan for eAus regions

Day 1,235, 21:26 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Good afternoon eAustralia

Today, Prime Minister Venja advised the Senate of the Government's intention to construct 6 x Q2 Hospitals for eAustralia's regions. This is a welcomed proposal and something I have been fighting hard for - particularly for eQueensland.

This step also represents the beginning of a new public-private partnership with renowned, quality hospital producer Henry the 8th. Henry has come to the aide of the Government and Senate in past weeks and the generous construction contracts offered come in very cheap. That provides for wise spending of the taxpaying public's dollars and boosts healthcare for our population. This is expected to pass a quorum call and subsequent vote with ease.

I thank the Venja administration for coming to us with this proposal and I hope it is just the start of many co-operative negotiations in the interests of eAustralia.

TJ Norton
Senator for eQueensland