Strong Comeback!

Day 2,925, 16:02 Published in Ireland Mexico by Lone Harry

Dear readers ,

After a long time for me without writing articles , it's about time to comeback! This time I come back even stronger. As I had informed you , Skeptocracy's backup was deleted and this fact made me feel like I should stop writing. In fact , that was the motive for me to continue and make a fresh start in journalism. The last 2 months being an Irish citizen , learned me a lot of useful things.

My recent experiences :

Well amongst other things that month I was not only a congressman but also I run for first time for ILP's Party President. The result wasn't in my favour but for sure after the elections I was more experienced. Although I have to say that I was surprised by the number of the voters, as I don't regurarly see so many people in the party's feed! Anyway I hope that is a positive clue , that more people will be active and serve eIreland. After that "defeat" I believe I should be more radical in the way I help the party. So I decided to run for congress once again and I 'd be glad to have your support.

Expect more articles from now on. Show me your support in the comments section!