Status of the eWorld

Day 2,032, 04:16 Published in India Albania by Ruler of The New World


For this article I am trying a different approach. The first part will consist of information about the eWorld specifically eIndia. The second section will be a column like component.


Currently eIndia has 606 citizens who are located across he globe from the steppes of Russia to the island of Indonesia. These 606 (an estimated 15% are dead citizens) hold he fate of eIndia in there hands. Globally there have been 3718 new citizens today, 8 of which are eIndian. I haven't had the opportunity to meet these fellow members of the community and I would like to do so and make all welcome into the eRepublik family 👪.


With only one current territory (Jharkand) our production and export are at an all time low. Our main recourse being cattle our food production rate is increased by 20%. This is gradually building our income up, hopefully by the end of the year the nation of eIndia will be far richer. With 192383.93INR and and 0.21 gold in the national tresury our "piles" of money are nonexistent. To counteract thus strife I suggest we try to increaseourproduction rates and exports so as to create a bigger input of tax which in the long run will benefit us all.


eIndia unlike many other countries is politicaly stable. Since the recent election Prime Minister citizenneel and all other delegates have run the country smoothly. In congress ICP hold 50% of all seats and the losest holding being India First, Jai hind and forward bloc all on equal 12%. eIndia needs to regain lost ground so as to create a stronger economy, to do this we must declare a natural enemy a slowly but surely reconquer old territories.


We are currently allies with Macedonia, Moldova, Indonesia and Bulgaria. Our fighting force is much smaller than our surrounding countries (Croatia and Albania) this leaves us under great from an invasion by a much stronger force. The only way to prevent such an attack is to expand and subsequently monopolies the eWorld. It will take time effort and money but the profit territories such as West Bengal and Gujarat will bring will be unparalleled. I strongly recommend everyone trains every day and joins a military unit. The future of the world rules on dip strength, courage and unity.


A new story mission has appeared, entitled Titans Revenge it consists of three missions each divided into four parts of increasing difficulty. The story behind is as follows: The depths of the New World hide many treasures. Yet this summer, a horrible creature emerged into the light, liberated from his rock prison by years of mining, drilling and digging. Perses, the Titan of destruction!He was imprisoned thousands of years ago and now seeks his revenge in the New World!
To celebrate your quest to defeat Perses, Plato added a new military rank: Titan.
This mission will be extremely difficult (I myself am only up to stage two in all parts). I highly recommend all attempt to complete this before the time runs out.


This is a short one today. It is basically a summary of all previous articles. We do, what we do, because we do. Human nature cannot be explained neither can the world so don't bother trying to understand. You'll get tied up in mental knots.