Stand up and be counted

Day 1,259, 00:27 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

My fellow citizens

The recent Hinokai article regarding the renowned "August theft" has been in wide circulation for the better part of the last day. The so-called "evidence" implicating organisation access by former Prime Minister Sir_C0nstant, current Prime Minister Venja and leading eAus figure Aussie Bloke has caused much turmoil for many countrymen.

We're all in agreement: the people of eAustralia will not relent until the culprits behind this scandal are proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt - not conjecture, guess work and hearsay - and the day of judgement comes to answer for the acts committed.

These events demonstrate a greater call to improve our system of justice, both within the game mechanic and within our civilian institutions. The people have waited far too long for answers and the ad hominem stir of bias is not aiding this process or the betterment of the eAustralian people.

Currently, the in-game Senate is prorogued but there are civil processes available through the eAustralian forums to those who were the last elected Congress. Being one among them, I support fellow Senator and ANP President DocterDry's call for a full, thorough and unimpeded investigation and the complete co-operation of all persons with known involvement in this atrocious defrauding of the country's accounts.

I invite my colleagues to commit to the same standard of democracy and transparency by supporting the congressional oversight process.


TJ Norton