Sophia Forrester's Log, Day 485: This Refugee's Choice.

Day 485, 16:28 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

It has been four days since I traveled here as a refugee, styling myself an exile-by-choice in an attempt at poetry.

Four days. It feels like much longer than that.

In some preliminary research on translating my articles into the Japanese language, I discovered that the words for "exile" and "refugee" are the same: 亡命者, boumeisha, refers to both.

This was an appropriate title for myself when I came to this country, seeking refuge from sensationalism and unjust war.

But it is no longer the best title, since I am no longer one who seeks refuge. I have found my home.

I do not yet know what I will call myself, but I am an exile no longer. The waves of the ocean outside my window do not crash on foreign shores.

I may yet continue this log today. But it will not be as an exile.