Some News Australia: Issue #2. Win Prizes!

Day 1,259, 13:01 Published in Australia Australia by NewtonSG

Issue #2


The hot topic as we all know is that Hinokai has accused three time CP Sir_C0nstant of stealing funds from the eAustralian government. The scandal has now grown to involve several well known eAustralians and we are now seeing the most heated in-fighting we have had for quite some time.

Sir_C0nstant has admitted he did take some of the missing money out of confusion. But denies the claims that he stole it all.

The incident is currently being investigated by the previous senate as eAustralia was occupied during the last elections by eIndonesia.


Queensland is now back in the hands of its rightful owner. The Resistance War was started by Sam Cougar and a vast amount of the influence was also done by Sam Cougar himself. So, on behalf of eAustralia, Thank you Sam.

Winning Queensland means we now have rubber which gives a bonus to weapon companies.

You will always get more AUD from the monetary market if you post an offer selling your gold. It may take some time before someone buys your offer so plan ahead.

The general went to the doctor for a physical. Before he began, the doctor asked him the standard questions -- age, height, weight, and then he asked when was the last time the general had sex.
'Oh,' he mused, 'It was 1945.'
'Isn't that a long time to go without sex?' the doctor asked.
'I don't think so. According to your clock it's only 21:13.'

In this section I will suggest a newspaper that you should subscribe to so no matter where you are, what citizenship you have or if eAustralia is conquered you will always be connected to the goings on in eAustralia.

So this issues newpaper to watch is:
The Prime Minister

You may have guessed it but this is Venja's newspaper. Venja is the current PM and is the favourite in the upcoming elections. So if you want to know whats happening in eAustralia, the Prime Minister's newspaper is a good place to start.


Each Issue of SNA will give you a chance to win a prize!
You don't have to vote or subscribe to win!(although it would be nice if you did 😛)
To be elegable, you must be an eAustralian citizen and leave a comment on this article. Entries are invalid if submitted 2 days after the issue is released (Day 1,261 13:00)

A comment will be chosen at random and we will have our winner, who will be announced in the next issue!

This issue's prize is: 150 q1 food (300 health!)

Time to announce last issue's winner...

The winner of the 5 q1 weapons is... LanyIsLost

What you do with the prize is up to you. Use it, Sell it, Eat it (Probably not the best idea.), donate it, etc.

Stay awesome Australia.