Some News Australia: Issue #1

Day 1,257, 19:15 Published in Australia Australia by NewtonSG

Issue #1

Welcome to the first edition of Some News Australia! Some News Australia (SNA) is going to be made like a RL newspaper, at least to a certain extent. We do seem to need more involvement in the media feature of eRepublik so I decided to lend a hand. : )



As we all know, the country presidental elections are coming up and people have volenteered to run our great country. Let's have a quick look at the candidates:

Venja: He is the current prime minister of eAustralia and has done a great job dispite that it was his first attempt. It takes great leadership to fight against an opponant multiple times larger than eAustralia and manage to put up one hell of a fight.

Sir_C0nstant: Sir_c0nstant served three consecutive terms as PM starting in January. Sir_constant isn't officially running and is only a candidate at the moment by in-game mechanics alone.

Paul Hamon: Not much is known about this hidden character, however he has recently become a little more active by creating a military unit called "the Daytime Pelicans" and donating an amount food to it's members and now has a political party. Though I wouldn't question his loyalty, he is barely ever (if at all) seen on IRC or the forums, diplomacy with other countries will most likely be harmed and the government will become disorganized if Paul Hamon becomes prime minister.

I predict that both Venja and Paul Hamon will get a large amount of votes this election.

Let's hope we can keep an Australian region for the elections.


Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania have declared Serbia as their Natural Enemy. It is certain that this will be the location of a primary military campaign for EDEN. How much will this effect our allies ability to help defend against eIndonesia? Time will tell.

Thinking of buying a company? Check the "Companies for Sale" page regularly to see if you can buy a company for less than 10 gold.


A woman goes to Centrelink to register for family allowance. "How many children?" asks the assessor.
"Ten" replies the woman.
"Ten?" says the council worker.
"What are their names?" he asks.
"Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne and Wayne".
"Doesn't that get confusing?"
"Naah..." says the woman, "it’s great because if they are out playing in the street I just have to shout "Waayne, yer dinner's ready" and they all come running in".
"What if you want to speak to one of them individually?" says the council worker.
"That's easy," says the woman. "I just use their surnames".


Each Issue of SNA will give you a chance to win a prize!
You don't have to vote or subscribe to win!(although it would be nice if you did 😛)


A comment will be chosen at random and we will have our winner, who will be announced in the next issue!

This issue's prize is: 5 q1 weapons!

Stay awesome Australia.