Seven - organization for "mercenaries"

Day 565, 03:06 Published in Slovakia Finland by Erius
Greetings, my fellow citizens

I`m Erius, former citizen of eFinland and former party president of Red Jihad in eFinland. Me and couple of my fellows have moved away from our homeland so that we could experience something new. I have taken part in politics in eFinland for a long time and now i have decided to come out from silent halls of congress and experience every other aspects of the game.

There are somethings that may confuse some of you when you read this article but don`t worry. I`m ready to explain everything again if needed to.

Have you ever dreamed of fabulous wealth and adventures which would take you to exciting trip across the eWorld? Have you ever dreamed of belonging to a group of players that helps each other and stick together? If you have you should read this carefully.


Seven is organizations that me and my fellows have founded. Seven is band of citizens who live by fighting – fighting for pay, fighting for adventure and, most importantly of all, fighting for the change to win fabulous wealth!

We those who don`t want to choose our side – we are those who will fight for those who pay most.


Our organizations goals are simple. We try to gather some wealth (money etc.) to us and give our members some of it. Our members will have change to fight with each other in conflicts all around the eWorld and our organization will buy guns and tickets to them. For now we cannot offer guns or food to our members, because our organization has just born, but we will gather our funds so that one day we are able to muster a discipline, respectable and strong force which can fight all around the eWorldwhere ever needed to and asked.

At the start we will take part only in voting operations if asked because of our not-so-good economic situation. But when we have enough members in our ranks and when we have enough resources to act we will show what we can do!


Seven is recruiting members to it`s ranks. We need active citizens (no matter where you are from) who want to have fun and who are ready to act when ordered. When we are on a mission we wont let anybody to go solo.

Here some requirement`s to those who think they would be ready to join us;

-Strenght must be at least 8.
-Rank must be at least lieutenant
-Can communicate in english
-Active in game

If you fill those requirement`s we would be happy to take you to our group. We will organize seven battle groups where we will place those who are ready to join us. Every group will have it`s own leader which will deliver orders to members.

Leadership of the organization is in grandmaster`s hand. With grandmaster there will be paymaster and general in board of governors. For now it is me who act as a grandmaster and our paymaster in Seven is my comrade Viljami Koho. We don`t have general in our team yet so if you think you would be a good leader you can say so and we will introduce you about the office.

At the moment we decided to build our organization to the soil of eJapan. So, if you are ready to join us you must move to eJapan and there we will organize you a job and give the vital information about our organizations to you. It is possible that we will servive in eJapan`s imperial army so that our members can fight and increase their experience and have fun while Seven is organizing money for your own activities.

When you join ur ranks you have to be patient. We will organize some activities but we cannot start the whole activity of our organization just because we want so. We have good ideas how we will gain some money to run our organization, but our members have to live with it that we cannot offer free guns and tickets yet. Everything is under control so i can promise that we will start everything soon.

Applications can be send to my or to our official org valhall fighters. You can also take contact to our paymaster Viljami Koho. In application you can freely tell something about you but you have to tell something about your war experience. The application period will be end at the 30. day of this month so don`t miss it.

Ps. If you have something to ask about Seven you can ask it in this article or send message to me. You can also find me in irc @Quakenet. My nick there is also Erius.

Best regards;
