Save eWorld economy vol.1

Day 1,615, 21:18 Published in USA Serbia by Hanibal LA

Dear eRepublikans,

Few days ago, player named bojler989 wrote an article about problems in eWorld economy. Pls vote his article to reach TOP 5 international. Problems are not local or specific for any of citizens groups, but this problems are reflecting on the whole eWorld. We understand that trough this situation only Admins make profit, and that in the near future they will not change anything. So...we will !!!

This is republish of that article...

As you all know over the last few months the prices of all products are dropping, it seems it is a trend that will continue over the time beingm, my estimate is that in 15 days the price of raw materials will drop below 0.1cc which is a drop over 200% in last 2 months.

The reason for dropping the prices is that BOT keeps droping his price at which he buys the overproduction of materials. BOT forms his price based on the world average.
We are hopeless arent we??? Well not. With a little of sacrifice we can do a lot and we can control the price and not BOT.
In all this the most important is the price of raw materials which forms all the other prices: if raw is more expensive the food and weapons must be more expensive too.
So the plan is: DONT WORK IN YOUR RAW COMPANIES we should pick 2 days in a week and in those 2 days no one will work in their raw companies (you would think that would be a loss) well not, you will gain a lot. There will be a shortage of raw materials and the price will go up thus the BOT will have to form its price again, based on the average price. You will lose in those 2 days that is true but you will gain more over the next days since you will be selling the raw at a higher price.

My estimate is in 15 days: raw 0.1cc, tank 20cc.
If we do according to my plan my estimate is: raw 0.3cc, tank 40cc.

You can also see that we dont control the price of gold and we cant do anything to change that but we can raise the prices of raw and weapons so that it wont matter that gold is 2000cc since we will have bigger profit becouse of selling at a higher price.

All of the eCountries should deal with this plan, if not we are doomed to failiure. The people must realize that they will gain more by NOT WORKING rather than working in their companies. It seems funny but as you can see it is true.

Write suggestions and critics in comments, this is becoming a big problem and we should all deal with it.

This article get 650+ votes in eSerbia, and I think the whole eWorld should see it. Pls vote and shout so many people can see it.

Everyone is free to republish article in his own country. It is only important to be seen by many people.

Save eWorld economy part 2

For shout:
Save eWorld economy + edit: NEW COPANIES ON DAY 1627 !!!