Rylde Org was Hacked.

Day 692, 13:34 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Well after writing an obvious troll article that the usual suspects took the bait on I decided to change it up with a happy go lucky article about players RL best and worst moments of the summer.
Pictured above is me and my daughter who got a painting done in west edmonton mall for 20 bucks.


JaxTaylor- Well the best moment I have had this summer was the birth of my daughter in July. Amazing how often they eat and poop, lol.

Myself- Taking my kiddo to Edmonton for 2 weeks. Hitting up West edmonton malls shopping, Fantasyland and the waterpark. Also enjoyed the space and science centre as well as some IMAX movie about lol butterflies. Finshed it up with K-days carnival and a drive through Jaspers mountains. I also found the time to sneak off to the casino a few times.

Homer J Simpson- Its Winter here.

Foxfire- Favorite moment of the summer was my son actually starting to sleep through the entire night and not get up every 45 minutes.

Shoi- not seeing other people.

So I Tell these guys to tell me in a couple sentences or less there best and worst RL moments of the summer. So d*ckhead sends me a novel.

Oinyo- The highlight of my summer was when I was on training in Meaford. During the last week we were out in the field participating in a defensive trench warfare exercise. in teams of 2 we manned mini trenches and fought off invading forces (The trainers) With Rifles, LMG's and Machine guns. I was lucky enough to have a Machine gun with 12 000 rounds of blanks.

So 3 am rolls around and we havent had a single trip flair or snap clapper go off. My partner decides it may be safe to go have a pee in a bush to our right so I tell him to go for it as I hopped on the machine gun to man it. No less than 2 minutes later a trip flair goes off right in front of me about 50 Meters away. I open fire on the group fo 14 or so that are running towards my trench. I drop about 10 but 5 get low and start to crawl.. This dictates that I need to pull out a grenade (The practive ones are gunpowder in tubes that make a huge boom) and throw it at them when they get semi close.

Well They are creeping up and I lob one at them. Boom! The thing explodes off to my right as the wind has blown it that way.. they throw one back. BOOM! Explodes to the right again. This goes on for 4 grenades total until they declair they are dead and head back into the bush..

My partner now comes back covered in piss and looking bitter.. Apparently as he was about to kiss the flair went off so he hid in the little bush to not get in trouble from being out of his ditch,... While in there he thought it would be a great idea to take his piss... Well... When we chucked the nades they flew over right near him so he was pissing while trying to get on the other side of a tree to not get burned from the blasts... of course he told me not to say a word to anyone and of course the next day everyone knew.

The instructors laughed but then warned us that he could have died if this were a real scenario and he is to never leave the ditch. if you have to piss. Piss in the ditch. Then we all laughed.. Good times

Damn Clan Wolf windbags


JaxTaylor- Along with that great highlight also comes one of the low points, that is the lack of sleep. Not used to sleeping for no more than 2 hours at a time.

Homer J Simpson- Its winter here.

Foxfire- Worst moment of the summer was spending a chunk of lifesaving protecting my son from his narcissistic rageaholic grandparents whom the Manitoba government uniquely legislates to have parental right level access to him, because similar DNA apparently excuses all forms of abusive behavior towards children, as so covered in the“Grandparents Act”.

Shoi- coming back to school and seeing other people

Oinyo- Worst would be driving to Toronto on my first weekend off to go see my brother only to have a truck 3 miles in front of me explode killing everyone inside and closing down the highway for 4 hours...

For 4 hours I sat there outside in my uniform baking with 30+ civies walking over to talk to me because they thought I knew what was going on.. Some old man kept trying to hand feed me red liquorish... Ugh,,.

Myself- A small carnival came to town at the beginning of summer. My ex let my daughter go to it alone being sever years old in a small town. I had taken her the previous day and was driving around with friends.

Got a sudden phone call that apparently she had jumped off the tea cups to early and the cup swang back knocked her down and squashed 2 of her toes. Spent the rest of the day in the hospital. My ex had the gall to get mad at her in the emergency room for getting hurt.

I did not harm any animals while writing this article.