RL comes first

Day 1,270, 18:54 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Just a quick note to let all me maties know that I won't be on for a bit (how long? to be continued..) - moving house and because of billing cycles I've arranged 'net to get disconnected today. This came on a bit more sudden than I had hoped but what can I say? RL is RL.

QQ and lulz aside, be good to one another and see you on the other end of the move.

Oh, one more item of business to attend to - given this latest development I wholeheartedly endorse my mate Mark Brennan for ANP President. He needs no introduction 😛 Bring the greatest party in eAus back to glory brother - eAus's future depends on it.

To my ANP clique - Sty, Dis, Infin, Henry - I'll catch yas sometime soon on Skype.

Cheers .. laters .. sampai nanti!
T. J.