Day 3,090, 05:57 Published in Serbia Serbia by SerbianLegenda

Dear eRep Friends over the world,

for a while the Admins announced big and effective changes in this game that will set it to pleasure like it once was.

Dear Friends i dont want to break all your hopes but the things are not gonna be better for the future.


Let's see the step with the actually Resource Wars!

Is it really relevant how many bonuses an Country owns? Do you really think the profit of companies will rise that the honest players have profit? So if you think so, youre wrong! Like in the past, only the guys that control tons of multies will have profit and nothing will really change!
Economy is and will stay destroyed to the ground!

The next are the taxes of the occupied regions and similar:

Do you really think it will be the crucial thing for the countries income?

OMG ladies and gents... some 5k or 30k more taxesincome per day are nothing! A guy that sells an Powerpack for 80k-90k CC will have more in a fiew seconds xD
Weak Countries will be occupied for bonuses like in the past, and nothing change here!

And if you look the system how the new irrelevant bonuses are delt you feel like watching the random of Bazookaparts drop " Scope" and the probability calculation of "the Spin"

The only thing that will hold us for a while in this game is the community. Withoout that factor this server would be closed in seconds.

I hope you will find your way to enjoy this game, the changes wount give you backup for that 😃


P. S. sorry for some grammatical-mistakes in text 🙂

For Shaut:


by SerbianLegenda

Dragi Prijatelji,

svi su ocekivali najavljene promene koje ce nam navodno doneti vecu zabavu i resenje za sve nastale probleme vezane za mehanizam igre.

Sa moje tacke mislim da ako pogledamo najavljene promene, pogotovo ovaj Recource Wars danas, nista se nama tu nece znacajno promeniti!


Cemu ovo?

imali smo slicno deljenje resursa pre 3-4 godine sto nam nije donelo nista.
Svako ko ima kompaniju i placa raw i radnika po trzisnoj ceni nema skoro nikakvog profita cak je u manjku ako se bavi time.

Ovde nista ne zavisi od bonusa kako smo u proslosti videli, samo oni koji sa multicima barataju ce kao i uvek imati profita.
Tako da ova razdela bonusa je bezsmislena!

Taxe od okupiranih regija:

Ovde spadaju firme i proizvodnja pojedinih regija koje su pod okupacijom.
Iskreno receno, ako dnevni priliv od tih regija bude 5k CCa ili 30k CCa... nista ne znaci. Ta suma novca nije nista na odnosu da neko proda jedan PowerPack za 80k-90k CCa.. Tako da ovi dodatni prihodi nemaju nikakav znacajni efekat na stabilnost same drzave niti ekonomije.
Manje zemlje ce i dalje biti okupirane kao i do sada i u sustini se nista nece menjati.

Gledajuci ovaj danasnji turnir, ovo nas vise podseca na onaj specijalni princip eRep-slucajnosti kao deo bazooke zvani " Scope" ili specijalna verovatnoca dobitka na "Spin" 😉

Ja mislim da je nas ovde odrzalo druzenje, i jedino ce nas to bar neko vreme ovde drzati. Od promena nema nikakve vajde.

Pozdrav vas

P. S. molim da oprostite neke gramaticke greske u tekstu 😉

Za Shaut:


by SerbianLegenda