Receive Weapons... For Just Thanking Someone!

Day 2,925, 10:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Just over 200 days ago I did a nice article in which I asked the citizens of the eUK to thank other people, and receive some weapons for doing so. I was looking through my articles recently and discovered how many people actually took part in this, and how many of the responses seemed genuine. It was a nice idea, so I have decided to repeat it with this article.

To get things started, like last time, I want to thank a few people of eRepublik for making my game enjoyable since the last time I did this article. I can't thank everyone who has done something for me so don't cry if you aren't mentioned. Please.

I firstly want to thank Mr Immanuel Kant and Dave Trenga for giving me some gold to upgrade my weapons factory. When the discounts come around I will finally have my Q7 factory!

I also want to thank the cool guys in ESO (all of you). You are definitely one of the most interesting groups of people I have met in this game and it is always a joy to read the ESO feed when I log on.

Thanks Alex for being you. The game wouldn't be the same without you.

Well, anyway, I'm sure you can think of someone to thank, I expect to see a million compliments by the time I get back. I'll send 3 Q7's to every commenter who I think posts a genuine thanks or compliment (multiple comments only get one set of weapons but feel free to thank as many people as you want). I could go through lots of people and thank them for lots of things but I included some above because I genuinely mean it. Thank people! The community has kept us here, repay them with kind words!