RE: A Call to CC Leadership

Day 800, 17:31 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Hello eCanadians!

I am here to respond to Rylde's article.

This is not meant as a response only for Rylde, or only for the Crimson Canuck's (and likewise divisions). This is meant as a reminder of what I truly believe the mentality should be for all eCanadian's.

Stop hurting one another.

People will make comments and criticisms on both sides. Neither of which needs to be the mentality of the general population of the armies, OR the nation. You cannot compare ONE person's opinion and generalize it for hundreds of other people!

We simply accept the opinions of the loud few as the general statement of the nation (or that of the specific armies). This is not how it should be.

I would hate to see eCanadians leave because someone said something rotten to them. The hurt is on both sides, and we just need to overcome it.

I posted and article about this 2 months ago but I find it still relevant to this day. I feel it is a good time to post it again below as a reminder of what the true mentality of the CAF is, and how much I personally love the soldiers of Canada (on all fronts).

We Are Destined to be Foes

I don't believe that for one minute.

Why do people think in such black and white terms? Crimson Canucks, or the Canadian Armed Forces? Both serve two separate purposes and do not collide.

For those of you out there who are causing this tension between the two groups, stop it. Get your own political and social agenda's out of the armies of Canada.

I read Crimson Canucks articles and most of them have nothing bad to say about the CAF and yet the comment section below the article always turns into a flame war on the CAF or those within the CAF (I am sure there are CAF articles out there that unfortunately pose the same problem for the CC). Why must it come to this every time? Why do people inherently inject their personal political feelings into each of these groups?

We are all soldiers. We are all citizens of Canada. So why are we fighting ourselves?

The Crimson Canucks are a private militia force because that suits them best. The Canadian Armed Forces are a nationalized army because that suits them best. The two can work together, but never have to collide. We don't need to be forced together. We don't need bashing articles or comments about either force. We are separate for a reason and not because we hate each other - but because form follows function. Each army has a separate function and thus serves a separate purpose.

For those of you out there that wish harm on either side. Keep it to yourself. Stop infecting people with your personal agendas because no one wants to hear it.

~Chief of Defense Staff, General, Coda of the Canadian Armed Forces