Queensland's Senator stands true

Day 1,248, 04:12 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

My fellow eQueenslanders

Tonight is our last night under the flag of the Commonwealth of eAustralia. Tomorrow, the state will be under the protectorate of the Republik of eIndonesia.

This is a sad day for our state, but one which was forthcoming due to administrative incompetence. I fought as hard as I could to get the Government to see reason and that provoking our northern neighbours was not the path to stability and security. In that, my fellow statesmen, I failed. Our previous NE with eNew Zealand was the best course of the two, yet the Venja administration proceeded on it's own steam to not make the best choices in our national interest.

In that, there is some consolation that this administration will no longer have national authority over eQueensland at the conclusion of the current military engagement.

To our new federal establishment, I say: Selamat datang ke eQueensland.

To those who wish to emigrate to eNew South Wales - as your Senator, I bid you well and will of course assist with Moving Tickets if you wish. All you need to do is contact me.

Now unfolds another chapter in our history and I am proud to serve this state under its flag and the flag of our new national authority.

Your Senator, as long as I endure

TJ Norton
ANP Senator for eQueensland
Commonwealth of eAustralia; and soon to be
Republik of eIndonesia