Plots within Plots within Plots

Day 2,018, 07:29 Published in Croatia Serbia by OVALNI REBORN

For those that are playing this game to drop certain amount of daily damage according to their DO or take occasional BH now and then, this must be a very boring game indeed. Well, this article is not about to change that, so you can safely click away without missing anything.

For the rest of us, these are interesting times. Well, may we all live in interesting times!

eWorld has seen World Wars before, and this one will be nothing new. And everything will be new this time. Alliances fighting this war are not the same alliances that fought previous wars. Names, of course are not significant, or the sides this early into the confrontation. Relations between alliances, inside alliances and inside members of alliances not only that are different, but are also very unstable.

The propaganda war on who actually started the hostilities should be noted and immediately ignored. Does it really matters? proTWO has won all the major opening battles but one. We can think they are better prepared, but looking at the numbers, it is only expected. Things can still change rapidly as the plots within plots are revealed. What is certain is that newly forged alliances had no time to set before the confrontation. New bonds may have been nurtured with some "artificial" articles, some more transparent propaganda than others, but hey, monkey does what monkey sees.

Now, things are not easy for new arrivals to any side. Serbia won, Hungary won. Mexico won. USA lost, Russia lost. Romania lost. Pattern? Hell yes! What is to be expected fully supplied with popcorns, though, will be reactions of losing members of both alliances. I'd say surface is still as calm as a mirror. But under the surface, there is a hell awaiting to break loose.

The one I'm interested in the most is Romania. The country that traded founder position in failing alliance to appendix position in the strongest alliance. Slapped by Mexico, bitch slapped by Serbia. Lost (significant amount of) AS resources for a mere one day diversion. How will Romania handle transition from "Primus inter pares" to a mere guardian of Serbian full resources from Bulgarian back-stabbing (wait, is it back-stabbing now or just, plain, stabbing?), geopolitically caged with one opponent to play ping-pong with. Denied of glory of deleting USA, deemed unnecessary with Polish and Spanish presence in/close to NA.
Bonus in this story is Romanian MoD issuing pre-statement that they have started an AS without consulting their allies. Plot within a plot, how peculiar xD

Second is USA-Serbian front. Will the evil Serbs raise their flags in Alamo? What mighty tanking and what epic battle will be necessary to remove the Serbs from their "ancestral homeland of Texas" once they take it. But, the merriment is not theirs only to enjoy. Plot within plot, you see, is that Poland has more interests in this battle than helping their ally. Their old and complacent populace may not enjoy a BB due to this war, nor will their game become more interesting. But first, they will show to USA what CTRL was really about. Secondly, while they waste no resource of their own, both USA and Serbia will spend themselves dry, including personal reserves and gold from the gold mines in their countries accounts. The only entity more happy than Poland with this war is Plato. Once more, Poland will be the only European master of 10/10, unthreatened even by Serbia for which they always keep a friendship article at the ready, with full reserve of gold to boot, in case one day the whole eWorld starts an anti Polish crusade. Yes, the boost that Serbia will have by conquering long hated opponent is not to be ignored, but who will profit the most is the Master himself. Bonus in this story is USA CP issuing pre-statement that they have basically started the whole war without consulting their alliance. Plot within a plot, how peculiar xD

Least interesting is the Eastern front. Both Russia and Hungary will stir their uninterested populace a little. I expected some accusations about having no honor, due to the lease agreement, but this is really a routine war. Except there is some plot within the plot. We will see.

So, who will be the sleeping agent that costed USA more? Free Area or free Artela? Is CoT really going to see USA wiped hoping to outlive it? And is the e-World doomed to fall for the propaganda exactly like the real world, never being able to draw the line and sum up who is profiting the most? Am I getting this right or is there another plot within the plot within the plot I'm not seeing?
It will be interesting to find that out in the coming months.

Special thanks to Arrlo who made me believe I know how to write.

P.S. it is not that I believe to RGR's ramblings about Artela, but it is a fact that this war has given Serbs what they wanted for years and it will probably have repercussions for USA for years to follow.