Platos response to recent actions.

Day 2,579, 00:28 Published in Australia Australia by Jeff Vader

Between today and the end of Day 2,582, all food and weapon consumption will be doubled.

And his response to our concerns.

Look at my profile and see how many badges and FF medals I get for fighting.

Maybe if you gave me a higher and faster energy recovery I would use a shit load more of food and weapons to fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a much more better alternative than making it so expensive for me to fight considering I do not swipe a plastic card.

By the time a new week happens it takes me 2-3 days of fighting and recovery before I even make it to the first +10 energy recovery. And by the end of the week i do not make it pass 2000 to 2300 pp points.
And this is on the basis that you Plato increased the pp requiredment to 500pp points. Compared to the past where it may of sat at 50, 100 or 250pp points.
And you sort of wonder why we are not consuming food and weapons fast enough.
We have been complaining for ages regarding the weekly challenge, do you know why people kept bitching about EB's(Energy Bars) because it meant we could actually fight more = buying more weapons to fight.
Whether it is higher energy recovery or more EB, you need to give us the facility to have a bigger appetite to consume. Although with EB's there would be a risk that some would horde, So give us a higher energy recovery instead.
You would need to freeze food prices so that it would not be out of reach of all players.

Increase the energy recovery
Buy all the excess food you believe there is in the eworld markets and create a world food bank that players can buy it from at a flat price until it runs out and then we would buy food back in our retrospective markets.

I use more weapons per battle as I have low strength as a result I am within the top three of 'Opponents Defeated' week after week.
I would love to fight more and buy more food and weapons - just give us the energy recovery!

Jeff Vader

Pls join the forums and tell Plato like it is.
Of how stupid his recent idea is.
Pls Shout and make Plato stop.