Phoenix and eIndia: Common Goals

Day 1,018, 17:40 Published in India China by Donnie Bronco

Citizens of Phoenix, Eden and neutral countries,

Just some Minutes ago eSerbia started a series of swaps through eIndia. I will try to explain the nature, the goal and the consequences of these swaps.

After months of negotiations and talks with eIndia, we the Phoenix alliance and in this particular case eSerbia were finally able to explain that they aren´t the enemy and establish a friendly agreement with eIndia. The reason why it took so long is that eSerbia was bordering eIndia for months, and this was used as a reason to propagate the idea of a big bad eSerbia bordering eIndia.

Even though Eden was making a lot of propaganda about big bad eSerbia, we were able to show that we never intended to destroy eIndia. We see the country and it´s citizen as a neutral country that was manipulated by EDEN for a long time to also attack eSerbia. As for the attacks we never had any grudges because we understood the reasons behind them.

eIndia is NOT an EDEN puppet and we respect their neutrality and honour. Due to this we honour the independence and want every PHX attempt to PTO eIndia to stop immediately so that they can grow on their own and become a community that isn´t influenced by players from all over the world, especially not Phoenix countries.

What will happen next? eSerbia passed through eIndia and arrived in the South to make a stop in Tamil-Nadu until they are able to move to eMalaysia. As soon as they can leave eIndia (in the next 48h India will get all it's regions back) they will also leave all bordering regions so that eIndia doesn't have any reason to “fear”, as in the Eden propaganda, eSerbia. Today was a big step in the diplomatic solution for this pass for eSerbia and we hope to work together with an independent and neutral eIndia in the future.

The crucial argument that made the swaps with eIndia possible, is that Serbia is off to seek new resources and will get in diplomatic talks with China to return LK in a few months.

Of course, this is also a big and important step for PHX , as eSerbia will have the ability to move to new territories, to seek new adventure.

Donnie Bronco
Phoenix Alliance Policy Advisor

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