PEACE not so PEACEful

Day 406, 13:26 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

For weeks PEACE has been bashing the United States and ATLANTIS for being imperialist and aggressors in this war. Since then we have seen:
France invade friendly U.K Belgium
Switzerland continued to be deprived of full liberty
And now They invade Argentina, a member of ATLANTIS who besides dealing with Brazil posed no real threat to the security of PEACE.

This is pure hypocrisy on PEACE's account. Yes it's war, but if they wish to follow their own guidelines they would not counter attack, but hold their ground until a ceasefire was made between the two alliances.

Indonesia is slowly falling back in Argentina and Brazil is being held off for now. So please GO SAVE ARGENTINA! Now we have some of the strongest nations of ATLANTIS with arms to bear, lets show them what we can do together as an alliance! Romania has even shown it's true intentions after some questionable acts by helping out tons with Argentina, they deserve many thanks, as do the Spanish and British after we push out Indonesia and Brazil so Go Fight for your allies!

Vote this up and let the whole world know!