Pakistan Democratic Coalition - Congress Policy & Rules

Day 737, 08:01 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

All Pakistan Democratic Coalition Members Should follow these Rules and Regulations before Proposing any Laws in Congress


Do not give citizenship to anyone without asking me first. If any Congress Member is found doing this his or her chances for running in next congress elections will end.


1. Debate the proposal for Law on Pakistan Democratic Coalition Forums for a period of 24hrs to 72hrs.
2. If there is an agreement on the Law then the proposal will be taken to eRepublik and will posted as a news article so that DIU members can debate on it.
3.If there is no agreement on forums and eRepublik.Proposal will be either get edited with amendments in it or will be taken back and not passed all.
4. DIU and PRP members will debate the proposal in eRepublik News Article for 24hrs once that is done. It will be proposed by one of the congressmen on erepublik for a Vote and every elected member will cast his/her Vote.

NOTE:A Congress Member can only Propose 2 Laws during his/her term. DO NOT PROPOSE A LAW WITHOUT FOLLOWING THIS PROPER PROCEDURE. It will be a waste if the law is not debated in advance before it is proposed.