Our nation's constitution

Day 651, 12:53 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

This morning at 5:30 am, eRep time, our nation adopted a new Constitution.

I was one of several to vote against. Along with others, I was concerned that the draft offered by Minister Mitsurugi was overly autocratic, that it could be exploited against the people by an unelected few. And yet, thrice again as many of the people's representatives chose to trust. They read the same words that I did, and chose to let this draft define our nation, for a nation defined even my imperfect words written by erring humans,.is preferable to a nation that is not defined at all.

I commend this majority. I commend their faith, and though I cannot retract my negative vote, I now choose to make that faith my own. I ask any and all eJapanese who may have had doubts to lend their support to our nation's Constitution. Through unity, we can build harmony, and through harmony, the true concerns of our hearts will be heard within the fabric of the living document that now constitutes eJapan.

Together, we step toward the future, and though the map be imperfect as anything scribed by human hands, let us guide our way into tomorrow. The sun will soon rise.