Oh My Canada!

Day 3,038, 09:29 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Topic Title: Oh My Canada!
Dateline: Day 3,038

In the past few days our neighbor to eUSA's north Canada tried to passed a resolution to declare the United States as their natural enemy. Keep in mind Canada has no MMPs what so ever with any other nations. I may not know who Rylde is but it has to make many of our eUSA citizens to scratch their heads and say "What the hell!" What exactly did eUSA do to piss the Canadians off?

Anyways the resolution vote failed with 12 yes and 13 no votes total. I think the invasion would have been welcomed actually because it would probably end quickly in less than an hour in a standoff. Oh my Canada you have much to learn and still a great party above in a loft room.

If they were going to invade I predict it would go this way:

This is my take on Canada and whoever their god is please bless them gratefully to send them off to find the Wizard of Oz. Canada needs help!!!!!