Next military rank!

Day 2,032, 12:20 Published in Brazil Netherlands by T O LJ A G A
mai jos


So, new changes in this game...the most important change: the TITAN military rank...
Let's see, in the future, after most of us will reach Titan rank, Plato will introduce next military rank...

In order to have this rank you must to perform the following basic conditions:

1. Your vision must be blurry;
2. Stay logged into the game several consecutive days without drinking or eating something;
3. Lose weight and make a hump;
4. Breathing becoming heavier or ... not at all;
5. Your body begins to mumifice

and finally...


Asadar, noi modificari aduse jocului...cea mai importanta fiin😛 rangul militar TITAN...
Hai sa vedem, in viitor, dupa ce majoritatea dintre noi o sa avem acest rang, Plato va introduce unul nou...

Insa, ca sa obtii acest nou rang militar trebuie sa indeplinesti urmatoarele conditii elementare:

1. Vederea ta trebuie sa fie incetosata;
2. Stai logat in joc cateva zile consecutive fara sa bei sau sa mananci ceva;
3. Pierzi in greutate si „rezolva-te” cu o cocoasa;
4. Respira din ce in ce mai greu sau... chiar deloc;
5. Corpul tau trebuie sa se mumifice

si in sfarsit...