New Pacifica War against the UK & It's Flawed Logic

Day 3,044, 13:31 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Topic Title: New Pacifica War against the UK & It's Flawed Logic
Dateline: Day 3,044

My friends it has come to my attention that Pacifica is at war again. It's recent member has declared Great Britain a enemy joining France and the Netherlands due to unprovoked aggression of Great Britain on Lithuanian controlled Ireland. This is where I believe the strategy to solve this crisis is flawed. By attacking a nation controlling another unleash by freeing the Irish and calling them a menace of evil is absurd. These actions by Pacifica will only allow the vultures circle looking for the dead when the real nation that should be gone after is on the shores of Lithuania and not only in Ireland which the UK has done which now resulting Sweden attacking the UK for their attack on Ireland further which will likely escalate this situation into a further quagmire. Even so the Netherlands, France and Lithuania have journeyed to do battle in England.

Though Pacifica members have been called upon to act eUSA should stay out of this fight. Frankly this is the wrong war our beloved eUSA to get involved in. This is no way to free Ireland easily or their freedom from Lithuania. Oh the flawed logic that is going to hell quickly. If eUSA gets involved it will only stir the pot even more greatly and could lead to further disastrous consequences. EUSA should stand on the side of Ireland and their freedom from Lithuania. Sweden's attack on Britain for attacking Ireland will only send Europe into a further spiral and perhaps another World War if eUSA chooses to get involved. EUSA must send its diplomats to find peace and resolve before it gets more entangled before it rages beyond UK and Irish shores.

Where is the logic in this exactly? I ask each and every EUSA citizen in the logic of this new Pacifica war. I may not be a total FA expert who only returned since early November but this strategy or approach seems wrong in my view and I will continue to voice my opinion as it strikes me odd which give warning of the dire consequences that certain members of Pacifica have taken against the UK to what it may lead to.