New Era-Vendetta: to cut a too long story short

Day 2,440, 16:38 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

I'll try to maximize the votes/verbosity ratio, that is,
I'll be concise.

1. Dapper specifically and New Era as a whole have done many good and
great things for eUK. Dapper specifically and New Era as a whole have done many bad things for eUK.

2. Dapper and many New Era ex members (me included) did a lot of mistakes.

3. The 'divide' wasn't/isn't fault of New Era, but of TUP and the 'old
establishment' and its manners. Anyway, the 'divide' wasn't/isn't a reason
to _any_ wrongdoing.

3. Dapper and New Era spoilt every opportunity and political stock. At certain
point, New Era was the avant-garde of eUK politics.

4. All past history is past, gone, not present, not living, dead.

5. Revenge wasn't/isn't funny even for the avengers. Hate doesn't produce

6. Vendetta's revenge has brought a great danger: a group of serbian PTOers.

7. Some real life red lines should never have been crossed .

8. TUP has not been destroyed or severely damaged. New Era-Vendetta-"whichever new name" has been destroyed ( by ___inner___ decissions).

9. Hate should recede little by little.