New Era's Part in the Ongoing 'Missing Money' Scandal

Day 2,057, 16:17 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung
Firstly, sorry to eAustralians for publishing this in your media, if enough request so I'll delete it and ask an eUK friend to republish it there. This is aimed mostly at eUK citizens and those affiliated closest to them. Let's hope this never happens here in the colony!

I was pretty surprised to see New Era jumping on the chance to use the 'missing money' scandal as some sort of recruitment drive. (Where there's tragedy, there's profit I guess?) £500,000 is a huge amount, the total profits for 2013 if I recall correctly, and somebody has f***** up somewhere. But just know that no high-horse will save you when you're all drowning in the same pool - horses can't survive underwater.

Those of you accusing Carlini should probably refrain from posting anything until the truth comes out. Carlini is possibly the best Minister of Finance that eRepublik has to offer, and further more he is devoted to the eUK. He's contributed millions with his efforts and he has nothing to gain from taking £500k from six months ago. (P.S, how is the number exactly £500k? And I'm fairly certain that even BaH's story backs that this happened in the terms following Carlini's terms)

BigAnt's Reign of Terror

I was MoHA at some point during both of BigAnt's most recent terms in the Emperor's Throne. I didn't know everything that was going on, but I knew enough to know that the UKPP/New Era administration of the time wasn't so clean themselves. He has very credible stories for how the expenses during his term were so high, but it seems nobody has yet begun to dig deeper.

As your (New Era) party seems bent on damaging the reputation of a lot of people (Carlini, the whole of TUP?!) I think it's only fair that I give them some facts too so that they can defend themselves against BS claims with credible points.

The eAustralia MPP

Due to the hesitation in January(?) to sign an MPP with eAustralia, Lancer came forward on behalf of those of us who wanted it offering to pay for it, out of his own money. When Lancer asked who to send the £10,000 to, BigAnt said to send it to him. Now I may be wrong on this, but I'm fairly certain that Lancer did send the donation to BigAnt. If so, this donation has yet to reach the treasury.

The Tanks

Carlini bought up thousands of Q7 tanks for supplying eUK fighters in our war against Portugal. Carlini kept 50%, BigAnt kept the other 50%. Guess who's 50% ran out first?

I'm sure it's no coincidence that BigAnt sold over 1,000Q7 tanks that same week on the eUK markets, usually posting offers at 3amGMT...

Mercenary Money

I personally spent around £130,000 paying mercenaries for the war against Canada and Portugal, while we had Alfagrem tanking to 800,000,000 in that single campaign. The going rate for damage was £300(?) per 1mil influence on that weekend. As I was friends with many of the mercenaries I got some nice deals, and as we were losing at that point I decided to splash out on damage to eventually win us them campaigns.

Now in those same campaigns, BigAnt apparently paid out £15,000 on mercenary damage. Not only would this have bought an insignificant 15-20mil of damage, but it simply didn't happen. That money is still unaccounted for.

Thanks for Reading

Now while the above doesn't come to even 10% of the losses in the most recent scandal, please don't be stupid and pretend you're all completely innocent when every side has many tales similar to this.

I apologise to BigAnt, but you're simply the CP who I had the most solid evidence against. Many before him, and many after him have siphoned money. In fact, I'm sure BigAnt's mere £40-50k is nothing compared to other CPs we've had in the last 18 months.

Conclusion? Nobody is innocent in this ongoing drama. I urge anybody else who has evidence to come forth with it so the eUK can move on from this darker part of it's history, before it becomes an issue that overshadows the recent successes against eUSA.

Thanks for reading, and good luck solving this problem.