MY first year of playing.. done

Day 2,280, 02:06 Published in Switzerland Ireland by spaljoza

I will write this atricle in english and croatian language


So , my first year of playing this game is done.

I stasted to play year ago when i saw article in croatian newspaper ( about this game . I wanted to enter but my mail adress was allready registrated. So i checked my mail and sa that i registrated in year 2009 , it must be that i registrated because someone needed regrut or something , but ... i was on 0 with everything so i decided that i will try this game. so this what happene😛

Profile active from day 1912 (14.02.2013) and started from 0

First person that i got in contact was Deusinvictus from Vatreni Gusteri , well he contacted me on chat ingame because i wasnt in any MU or political party .
So i entered Vatreni Gusteri MU . That is MU in Croatia.

I can tell that im lil stubern player, so i was in lil fights allways with one girl that was captan in Vatreni gusteri and her name is Absentee . Because she didnt wanted me to fight all the time so i can build my strenght first but ... i didnt wanted to listen to her so i was fighting all the time.
Ah, but i saw that i need golds to build trening grounds so i started to inviting friends to play this, so i managed to call 50 of them so my first q1 tc was build with golds that provided me with my friends.

Then i decided to build others tc-s to max what i did in 2 months so i opened my firms after 4 months of playing and started to making q1 and q2 weapon, and i was disapointing how low much money i make so i was building it to q3-q4 and now its on q5 .

After 2-3 months i decided that im done with Vatreni gusteri because i was fighter not builder, so i went to Stormriders MU . And i was happy there because i could fight when ever i want and it was fun (it was fun in Gusteri 2 but it was crapy that u cant fight) . But in few months i decided it was done with croatia (in that months i was congresman, i was first man for food suply for my MU i met many awesome people and i was gifting golds like crazy and other stuff like, wep,food and other stuff)
And then i wanted lil piece so i went to small country of Cyprus.
That was stupid. My mistake , because people was not happy that i camed to theyrs country because i was croatian. WOW people, are u serious ?
So i gaved people money with sallery of 18-20 CC they wasnt happy, i was buying stuff like crazy so they can have money and whey wasnt happy, i did lots of stuff, not happy so i decided to went further. In the meentime me and Erosensei opened MU Elite Fighters so we can play together and fight when ever.

So he told me that he would like to go to swis because everyone is normall there , and i sad what a heck, lets go here in cyprus is hostile area so we camed to Switzerland.

So in this first year i managed to get to 28,393.35 strenght and have my own firsm and raw materials firms 2

I used Small Bombs 144, Big Bombs used 32

And i met many nice and cool people so as idiots and people with problems.

But what a heck, game is going on, hope i will be able to contribute to Swis and that nice people of Swis will gave me opertunity to show they what i can do for them, and hope in this year ill build my wep fac to q7 so i can send others wep for free all the time.

Thanks for reading, and see u all arround 🙂


Dakle , moja prva godina igranja je gotova

Poceo sam igrati prije godinu dana kad sam vidio članak u hrvatskim novinama ( ) o ovoj igri . Htio sam ući , ali moja mail adresa vec je bila registrirana . Pogledao moj mail i skuzio da sam se registrirao u 2009 , to mora biti da sam se registrirao jer je netko trebao regruta ili nešto , ali ... sam bio na 0 sa svime pa sam odlučio da ću probati ovu igru . tako da, evo što se dogodilo :

profil aktivan od dana 1912 ( 14.02.2013 ) i počeo od 0

Prva osoba koja sam dobio u kontaktu je Deusinvictus iz MU Vatreni Gusteri , i on me kontaktirao na chat u igri , jer nisam bio u niti jednoj MU ili političkoj stranci .
Tako sam ušao u Vatreni Gusteri MU . To je MU u Hrvatskoj .

Ja sam bio tvrdoglav igrač , tako da sam uvijek bio u svadji s jednom curom koja je bila u kapetan Vatrenim gusterima , a ime joj je Absentee . Jer ona nije htjela da se borim cijelo vrijeme , tako da izgradim svoju snagu , ali ... nisam htio slušati nju pa sam se borio cijelo vrijeme .

Ah , kada sam vidio da trebam golde za izgradu TRENING centra počeo sam zvati prijatelje da igraju ovu , tako da sam uspio pozvati 50 od njih tako da je moj prvi q1 tc izgradjen od zlata skupljenih od njih.

Tada sam odlučio sagraditi druge TC do max,a to sam učinio u 2 mjeseca pa sam otvorio i tvornice wepa i fooda i nakon 4 mjeseca igranja sam stvarao Q1 i Q2 oružje , ali sam ostao razocaran koliko malo novaca napravim s prodajom pa sam gradio wep do Q3 - Q4 i sada je na Q5 .

Nakon 2-3 mjeseci sam odlučio da izadjem it Vatrenih gustera , jer sam bio borac a ne dvoklikas , pa sam otišao u Stormriders MU . I bio sam sretan jer sam se mogao boriti kad god želim i bilo je zabavno ( bilo je zabavno i u Gusterima, ali me zivciralo kaj mi se prigovara za borbe stalno. No, u nekoliko mjeseci sam odlučio da je dosta pizdarija s Hrvatskom ( u tim mjesecima sam bio Kongresnik , bio sam prvi čovjek za klopu za svoj MU, upoznao sam mnogo prejakih ljudi i darivao sam golde kao lud kao i druge stvari kao što je , WEP, hranu i cc )
A onda sam odlucio otici u neku malu zemlju pa sam otišao u Cipar .
Moja pogreška , jer ljudi nisu bili sretni kaj sam dosao u njihovu zemlju jer sam hrvatski . WOW ljudi , vi to ozbiljno?
Tako sam im dao placu od 18-20 cc da imaju pare i nisu bili sretni , kupovao sam hrpu stvari na marketu tako da zarade pare i nisu bili sretni, , ucinio sam puno stvari , i nisu bili sretni pa sam odlučio da idem dalje . U medjuvremenu ja i Erosensei smo otvorio MU Elite Fighters , tako da možemo igrati zajedno i boriti se gdje ocemo.

Dakle, on mi je rekao da bi želio otići u švicarsku jer su ljudi normalni, a ja reko pa ajde sto ne idemo tamo, idemo tamo jer na Cipru je katastrofa pa smo smo dosli u Švicarsku .

Tako da sam u prvoj godini uspio skupiti jacinu od 28,393.35 i imam svoje firme

Koristio sam male bombe 144 puta , i Big bombe 32 puta 🙂

U ovih godinu dana sam stvarno upoznao predobre ljude, ali sam i upoznao debile i sebicne likove koji ne shvacaju da je ovo igra al ajde .

No, dobro , igra ide dalje, nadam se da cu uspiti pridonjeti svicarskoj i da ce mi svicarci dati priliku da pokazem ono što ja mogu učiniti za njih , a nadam se u ovoj godini zavrsiti WEP fac na Q7 tako da mogu slati svima oruzje besplatno.

Hvala vam svima na preljepoj godini i nadam se da ste se zabavili samnom 🙂 idemo dalje u novu godinu igranja i u nove avanture 🙂